Nepenthes Virtuous Beast
Nepenthes "Beast" is a big pile of genetics, and back-crossing some N. ventricosa back in there will hopefully be a stabilizing influence that lets some of the weirder stuff come out as well. These are going to be quite variable, but should all be pretty fun.
The full designation for this hybrid is Nepenthes ventricosa "black" × (×briggsiana ×× trusmadiensis) or Nepenthes ventricosa "black" × [(lowii × ventricosa) × (lowii × macrophylla)].
This plant will be shipped in a Sphagnum moss plug with a 3.5" plastic pot and enough top-quality New Zealand long-fiber sphagnum moss to fill it. Planting and growing instructions will also be included.
Nepenthes soil should stay damp at all times, but not sopping wet. Top-water weekly, or whenever the moss starts to dry. Do not let Nepenthes sit in water for too long. In dry climates it can be useful to mist your Nepenthes twice a day.